Joining Forms

Please contact us and complete a membership form before attending. Please be aware that Puddletown is a popular Group and there may be a waiting list.


Subscriptions are currently charged each term and covers weekly activities, badges, hall hire and insurances; all our leaders and trustees are unpaid volunteers. There are additional charges for youngsters that wish to take part in optional activities and camps. We are mindful that money is easier to spend than to earn so we endeavour to keep any additional costs to a minimum and try to offer a range of activities that will suit everyone's budgets. There is no joining fee.

Currently Beavers is £25 per term; Cubs & Scouts are £30 per term.

Adults volunteers freely give up their time and are only charged for the optional activities they participate in.


Beavers and Cubs will need to buy a uniform sweatshirt from Scout Shops Ltd the cost is around £15 Scouts and Leaders will need a uniform shirt from Scout Shops Ltd at £20 to £25. Please note that postage will be added. Dark blue activity trousers are preferred, these are also available from Scout Shops Ltd but you may wish to source these in the local high street so they can be tried on before buying.

Scarves (neckers), woggles and badges are all supplied at no cost to all our membership.


We like all our parents and carers to see what we have been doing so we regularly post updates and photos on a closed Facebook Group that is only accessible to our members and their immediate family, We also use our Facebook group to give everyone advance notice of any events we are running, although its not essential that you sign up to this page we strongly recommend you do so.

All essential information is sent out directly via email including all requests for payment. It is difficult for us to handle cash or cheques as we are often distracted by all the activity going on around us so we use a secure system to manage the Group called "Online Scout Manager" (OSM) which uses the "GoCardless" service to process the payments.

Leader Training & DBS

All leaders and trustees require a safeguarding DBS check every three years (whether they already have one or not) these are provided free of charge. All leaders undergo a modular training programme supported by a Training Advisor and the Group Scout Leader, this is also provided at no cost to the leader.

More information

If you need more information or advice please email